• What is the Gospel?

    This is a teaching I gave at Fall Retreat 2023 called “What Is The Gospel?” I am very indebted to Greg Gilbert’s helpful and short book with the same title in the 9Marks Healthy Church series published by Crossway for the content in this talk. This particular Gospel presentation follows the outline: I have found…

Check Out Twin Theologians on YouTube!


Hey friends!

My name is Fady! I’m passionate about helping young leaders thrive in life and grow in their faith as they follow Jesus and participate in his mission. And I’m here to inspire and encourage you in your journey of faith! I love to read, write, learn and teach. I have eclectic interests ranging from Biblical theology and Christian history to leadership, communication and personal development. Here on my blog, I write about whatever I’m enjoying learning at the moment, and I hope that these writings will be a helpful resource for you as you learn and grow. Welcome to my blog!

Fady Ghobrial

Jesus follower, disciple maker, collegiate minister and Bible teacher.